From time to time, I get calls from members wanting up-to-date economic impact information for the museum industry in Virginia. I also get these requests from news reporters, state and federal agencies, and others trying to get a handle on just how important museums might be in the scheme of things.
The truth is, I have nothing to give them. The last reliable survey on museum economic impact and visitation was published in December 2000 – the “The Economic Impact of Arts and Cultural Organizations in Virginia” prepared by the Wessex Group, and commissioned by Virginians for the Arts in collaboration with VAM. Prior to that, VAM had surveyed its members and published its own economic impact study roughly every three years.
Since that time, VAM has tried three times to conduct another economic impact survey: 2003, 2005 and 2007. In each case, we received only 60-75 responses – way too few to make a study valid (there are over 1,000 museums in Virginia).
Why the lack of response? It is commonly acknowledged that such studies are important information and vital ammunition in an advocate’s arsenal. Are people just too busy? Don’t care? Think someone else will surely do it? Or – reluctant to reveal that information for fear of comparisons?
I’m not sure what the answer is, but I do know this: Virginia museums have got to get over it and get counted. Yesterday, VAM sent out a trimmed-down, easy to complete economic and visitation survey to the directors of all Virginia museums. The deadline for submission of input is December 15, but late responses will be welcomed (they may not make it into the official printed report if received TOO late).
The results of this survey will be distributed to the Virginia General Assembly at Virginia Museum Advocacy Day on January 20, 2011. It is absolutely imperative that we make the case for Virginia’s museums – certainly no one else is going to do it for us. And we have recent examples of what can happen when museums are undervalued – think of the Coeburn amendment and the attempt to specifically exclude museums from the economic stimulus.
Has your museum responded to the survey? Ask your director – offer to fill it out if he or she doesn’t have time. If you have your visitation figures for the past year and your operating budget, it will take you less than 2 minutes – I filled it out as a test in 52 seconds.
Need a link to the survey? HERE IT IS! You can always email me at if you have any questions or concerns. Please help us to make the case for museums – it is time for Virginia museums to stand up and be counted!
Margo Carlock
Executive Director
Virginia Association of Museums
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